Gail Thackray A.K.A Gail Harris
Sorority House Massacre II
The campy scream-queen by director Jim Wynorski that became a cult classic. The name implies this was actually a sequel which it really wasn’t though this story continues in my next movie with Wynorski, “Hard to Die.”
This was a typical Jim Wynorski, Roger Corman, ultra low budget film, better get the acting right in one take cos were moving on, kinda movie. My favorite scene is with Peter Spellos who plays Orville Ketchum the weird neighbor who we think is trying to kill us. In one long take, I stab him with a kitchen knife, the smash his head down the toilet but he still wont die.
Of course there is ample of titillating scenes with plenty of cleavage and a few booby shots and of course buckets of blood. And I mean buckets of blood – in one take Wynorski was getting frustrated with the special effects guy squirting blood on the wall. “This is how it’s done,” Wynorski screamed, “Roll camera!” and as they rolled Wynorski picked up the entire bucket of blood and threw it on the wall behind me.
Stars Gail Thackray aka Gail Harris or Robyn Harris (sometimes used for the really camping bmovies), Melissa Moore, Stacia Zhivago |and Dana Bentley, and of course Peter Spellos who plays Orville Ketchum